Facebook is one of the most popular social medias on the internet. In this site, billions of people from different countries all over the world are using it. As we known, while Facebook has many benefits on us, but it also has many negative effects on our life too. In fact, the negative effect of using Facebook for Cambodian students, there are several main points such as eyes problem and effect on health, wasted times and money, depression, weakening long distance relationship, no concentrate on studying and lazier.
Once we started on Facebook, you tried to check your friend’s account, watched clip video or read your friend’s status every day and you spent too much times on it even at night, it causes made your eyes problem. If you are looking at the phone or computer screen the whole day you probably no feel to sleep and your tear fall also. Using Facebook too much can make you blink less because of our phone screen or computer screen also. In addition, it affects to your health too such sleep late at night make you no power, you feel headache because of you’re watching too much and make your brain thinking less also.
The second point is wasting time. Students will waste their time by spending of our time on Facebook everyday doing silly things such as reading your friends status messages or trying to comment on everyone status. Then you will download picture of your friends or your family. Also, you try to find a best picture to change your profile for this day. Also, you will spend hours by looking to your friend picture and leave a funny comment for them on every pictures. Before, we online we have to pay money for our phone like you charge the money. So, most of your time and your money will be spending in playing with your friends on Facebook. That is the useless things that we did every day.
Third point, starting on Facebook sometimes depends on your feeling. If you feel good it isn’t the problem, but if you check Facebook while you are sad, it will make you depression. Example, while you feel alone like your family ignore you and then you saw your friend’s Facebook post with their family, you will feel depressed by using Facebook. In addition, you also got jealous while you are checking on it such your friend’s birthday, then their parents buy new phone for her birthday and she posted it, so you will feel jealous in your mind and you must be thinking about that thing why isn’t you. It is the negative thing
for us that using Facebook.
Fourth point, using Facebook also makes us losse long distance relationship. If you were in relationship with someone, you chat to each other every day, but one day you got chat from your Facebook’s friend. Then he chats to you every day you both are getting involve new relationship, and one day your partner will something wrong with you. You and your partner will get long distend.
The last, playing Facebook everyday became to your habit, you will feel lazy and don’t want to do anything. Example: your teacher asked you to do homework, but you have excuse on yourself because you are busy with your Facebook so that made you no concentrating on your studying. Likewise, during you are studying but your phone is online and you scroll Facebook or play chat or comment with your friend, it is the reason that make you don’t pay attention with teacher are teaching so you will skip your lessons and one day you will low grade also, because of using Facebook during studying. These is the negative
effect for all of us.
In conclusion, using Facebook definitely comes with negative effects, but not everyone who uses the site is affected. As the reason above that explain about negative effects of using Facebook for Cambodians students. I just want all Cambodian students use it with positive things. We should be able to use the site responsibly by not posting too much information and not spending too much time on Facebook.
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